Summary - There are 4,531,985,219,092 possible connect-4 boards and you can win in 1,905,333,170,621 ways. That is a probability of 0.42 There are two modes - MINIMAX and NAIVE AI, Feel free to play both and see which you beat.
Development year - 2019-2020
Technology stack - React JS, Redux, NodeJS, MinMax Algorithm, Decision tree, Github
Summary - A project I worke don to create OpenCV application to read Sudoku from camera and solve it.
Development year - 2019-2020
Technology stack - Python, Keras, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, OpenCV, backtracking
Summary - Procedurally generated wave-esque terrain.
Development year - 2020
Technology stack - Three.js and WebGL
Summary - Space Flight game built in Unity. Controls : W - Forward; A - left turn; D - right turn; Q - Roll left; E - Roll right; X - pitch up; Z pitch down
Development year - 2020
Technology stack - Unity, WebGL, OpenGL, C#, Blender
Summary - Monitoring the remote arduino systems.
Development year - 2016-2017
Technology stack - Python, WAMP, Django, Android SDK, D3.js, TensorFlow, ArgoUML,
Summary - A customizable form application.
Development year - 2018-2019
Technology stack - MeteorJS, RESTful, NodeJS, MongoDB, AWS, GraphQL, Apollo, Nginx.